Athlete's Corner
Increase your vertical jump with VertiMax
Looking to develop your vertical jump? Or simply looking to be a better athlete?
Whether you are into football, basketball, volleyball, athletics, or any other sport which requires the athlete to be able to generate power vertically, keep reading as this might be in your interest. Coaches have found many strategies to develop the vertical power of their athletes but no training modality can match the V8 VertiMax platform, especially when training at high velocities.
What is VertiMax?
VertiMax Platforms and Raptors are the leading athletic performance training equipment on the market today. Unlike any other training equipment, Vertimax Platforms and Raptors are specifically designed to maximize athletic potential by focusing on three key components: speed, explosive power, and vertical jump. Its system eliminates most of the drawbacks associated with conventional weight training and elastic training bands. The technology relies on a relatively non-varying resistance over short and medium ranges. This allows the athlete to reach higher training velocities by removing the exponential resistance component of the conventional resistance bands and removing the inertia component of weight training .
How Vertimax changed sports performance?
The VertiMax patented technology allows resistance to remain consistent as the bands are stretched up to 45 yards, depending on the type of Platform or Raptor. This means athletes can complete more consecutive uninterrupted reps for any given drill. One of the significant challenges when sports performance training with traditional bands is that the resistance dramatically increases as the bands are stretched; the more you stretch them the greater the resistance increases. An athlete loaded with a traditional band will only be able to train so far until their form breaks down. When form breaks down the athlete is wasting energy, prone to injury, and develops bad habits that can diminish athletic performance. VertiMax technologies avoid this problem.
This routine builds vertical jump
The routine below features the V8 platform from Vertimax and was created to hit certain patterns of movement to boost the vertical power. We will go through seven exercises which will work on: hip extension and flexion, knee extension and flexion, ankle extension and flexion, shoulder mobilisation, and lastly hip and core pillar strength. In turn, you’ll work major muscle groups and develop your explosive power.
Squat jumps
Improves explosive hip extension and lower body power. The hip extension movement is the foundation of athletic movement.
Split squat jumps
This movement involves the ankles, knees and hips. The flexion of the 3 segments allows the athlete to produce a triple extension. It will increase the single leg power of the athlete by improving balance and developing the pillar strength in the hips and core for a powerful vertical jump.
Side to side hops
This exercise will increase the ankle stability and ability to develop power from one leg. The hops will also activate the hip stabilizing muscles to increase the hip pillar strength and maximize the transfer of energy from the ground to the athlete.
Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs)
The Romanian Deadlift is a well known exercise in the weight room. The work on the hip extensors potentialize the athletic capabilities of the athlete. A good control will also reinforce the gluteal muscles along with a deep core muscle called the transverse abdominis which will protect the back from high impact movements. Thus, this exercise is great to improve hip power and prevent back injuries.
Squat and press
The squat and press involves the arms and thus works on the lower and upper body coordination. A well timed coordination will boost the explosiveness of a movement.
Explosive bulgarian split squat
Since it is a unilateral exercise, this exercise tends to correct the muscular imbalances in the legs. It also builds mobility in the hip when performed at full range of motion and enhances stability. Great to boost single leg explosiveness.
High knee step ups
This exercise will emphasize on the activation of the psoas muscle which is responsible for the flexion of the hip. A strong psoas allows an athlete to bring the leg up quickly and with power. In the movement of a single jump for instance, the free leg is mobilized and then locked to create an additional vertical momentum when jumping.
Remi Vanecht
Strength & Conditioning Coach